Bill Thomas , Superintendent
110 E Harrison Street
While it may not be apparent to the average Wapakoneta resident, the City owns considerable property, generally referred to as infrastructure. This infrastructure includes many miles of roadways along with water and sewer lines. The Public Works Department has the challenging task of maintaining and regularly upgrading this diversified infrastructure worth millions.
The community will readily notice the obvious Public Works activities. In winter, the City’s fleet of 5 trucks work long hours to keep roads plowed, salted and brined to keep streets and bridges safe for traffic. During the hot summer months, a regularly scheduled program of street maintenance and upgrades ensure that Wapakoneta can keep moving forward.
The responsibility of the Public Works Department is to maintain the public streets, alleys, and parking lots, public buildings and grounds; snow removal; fall leaf removal; traffic signs; distribution of water; the collection of sewage; the collection of refuse and recycling, including a public awareness program on the need for recycling.