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These Guidelines pertain to both Residential and Commercial Properties.  Please use this page as a guide and consider using our complimentary preplanning review to be sure that your project goes smoothly.

Residential Guidelines

If you are Building or Altering a Residential Structure or adding any type of addition to your Residential Property you will need to:

  • Contact the City of Wapakoneta Engineering Department at 419 738-5596 to obtain a Zoning Certificate and other important information.

Conditions under which a Residential Zoning Certificate is required. (Ordinance 1252.04 (c))

  • The construction or alteration of any building, including accessory buildings.
  • The change in use of an existing building or accessory building to a use of a different classification.
  • The occupancy and use of vacant land
  • The change in use of land to a use of a different classification
  • Any change in the use of a nonconforming use (See Ordinance 1252.04 (e))

Zoning Certificate Fees:

At the time an application for a Zoning Certificate is made, a fee in the amount determined by Ordinance of Council, Section 1442.12 of the City of Wapakoneta Codified Ordinances shall be paid to the City and shall be credited to the General Fund of the City.


The Zoning Administrative Officer shall be empowered to issue a stop work order to any person or persons found in violation of Ordinance 1252. Said Stop Work Order will follow the provisions of Ordinance 1440.06 of the City Codified Ordinances. (1252.05 (c)


Any Zoning Certificate issued under a false statement by the applicant shall be void. (Ordinance 1252.04 (f))

Whoever violates any provision of Ordinance 1252 or any amendment thereof, shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor and may be fined as may be identified in Ohio Revised Code 2929.28 (Financial Sanctions Misdemeanor). Each day an illegal erection, construction, reconstruction, enlargement, change, alteration, modification, maintenance or use continues shall constitute a separate offense. (Ordinance 1252.99 (a) (2))

Commercial Guidelines

If you are building a new Commercial Structure you will need:

  • A Local Zoning Certificate issued by the City of Wapakoneta Engineering Department
  • A State Building Permit (applicant’s responsibility). Contact the Division of Construction Compliance at 1-800-523-3581

You may also need:

  • A Sign Permit if you are installing any type of sign. This will be issued by the City of Wapakoneta Engineering Department (Codified Ordinance Chapter 1286)
  • A Fire Department review and inspection – Call 419-738-2014
  • To set up a utilities account – Call 419-738-3011

If you are Altering or Modifying an Existing Commercial Structure you will need:

  • A Local Zoning Certificate issued by the City of Wapakoneta Engineering Department (419 738-5596)

You may also need:

  • A State Building Permit (applicant’s responsibility) prior to any Structural, Electrical, Plumbing or HVAC alterations or any change of occupancy or use group. (Contact the Division of Construction Compliance at 1-800-523-3581)

No permits are required for maintenance to existing structures, for the replacement of existing appliances or for minor repairs as defined by City of Wapakoneta Codified Ordinance Chapter 1252 and Ohio Building Code Section 102.10.2.

Minor Repairs:

The reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing building for the purpose of its maintenance when the work has limited impact on access, safety or health.

Minor repairs do not include: The cutting away of any wall, partition or portions of walls; the removal or cutting of any structural beam or load bearing support; or the removal or change of any required element of accessibility, means of egress or rearrangement of parts of a structure affecting the egress requirements. Minor repairs do not include addition to, alteration of, replacement or relocation of any standpipe, water supply, sewer drainage, drain leader, gas, soil, waste, vent or similar piping, electric wiring or mechanical or other work affecting public health or general safety. (A State Building Permit is required for work that doesn’t fall under the description of Minor Repairs)

Upon completion of all projects where a Certificate of Occupancy is issued, a copy of the Certificate shall be furnished to the City of Wapakoneta Engineering Department and City of Wapakoneta Fire Department.

Ohio Building Code Requirements:

Per Section 105.1 of the Ohio Building Code: Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing system, other building service equipment or piping system the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required approval.
(See Ohio Building Code section 102.10 for: Work exempt from approval.)

General Information:

A Commercial Zoning Certificate and applicable information can be obtained at the City of Wapakoneta Engineering Department, 102 Perry St, 419-738-5596.

A complimentary preliminary plan review is recommended between the applicant and the City of Wapakoneta Engineering Department. Upon review it shall be identified as to the submittals required to issue a local  Development Permit.

All Zoning related issues in the City of Wapakoneta will be administered and enforced through Codified Ordinance 1252 and 1440.

Building Code issues in the City of Wapakoneta will be administered and enforced through Codified Ordinance 1420 and the Ohio Department of Commerce ; Division of Construction Compliance. (1-800-523-3581)

Guidelines for altering or modifying an Existing Commercial Structure can be found in the Ohio Building Code Chapter 34 – Existing Structures. The O.B.C. in its entirety can be found online at Ohio Building Standards

See the City of Wapakoneta website for Code and Ordinance information at: or  City of Wapakoneta Ordinances

The Ohio Fire Code can be accessed at: 1301:7 Division of State Fire Marshal

Eric Sammetinger

Wapakoneta Fire Department Chief

Andy Beane 
Zoning Administrative Officer
Wapakoneta Engineering Department

Revised 4/22/2013